
Paolo Tasca

Paolo Tasca is a Digital Economist specialising in P2P financial systems. An advisor on blockchain technologies for international organisations such as the EU Parliament and the United Nations, Paolo is founder and Executive Director of the Centre for Blockchain Technologies at University College London (UCL CBT). Previously, he was Lead Economist on digital currencies and P2P financial systems at the Deutsche Bundesbank in Frankfurt.

Paolo is also co-author of the bestseller “FINTECH Book”, co-editor of the book “Banking Beyond Banks and Money”, Associate Editor of the Journal of Risk Finance since 2016, Guest Editor of the Journal of Digital Banking since 2017. He is author of various scientific papers about blockchain published by prestigious international scientific journals.

Dr Tasca holds an M.A in Politics and Economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Padua and a M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from Ca’ Foscari, Venice. He did his PhD studies in Business between Ca’ Foscari Venice and ETH, Zürich.

Other recent appointments: Permanent Member of ISO TC 307 committee on standardisation of blockchain systems (ISO); Member of the DLT/1 technical committee at the British Standards Institution (BSI); Adjunct Fellow at Griffith University Law Futures Centre; Honorary Professor at Sogang Univsersity Blockchain Research Centre; Honorary Research Associate at University of Cape Town Financial Innovation Lab.